Specialty :
As promised, we always have the best products and latest trend available to our customers! We specialize in dipping manicure, ombré acrylic systems, ombré dip, all acrylic color products, 3D acrylic, blocking nails, encapsulated nails, marble nails gel or acrylic, Swarovski crystals, glitter dust, chrome powder, and the newest trend on the market.
Sandy Nails and Spa in Grand Haven was open under the same management since May 2001. For the past 15+ years in business, Our goal is to maximize your nails experience with us, and hope that a new customer walk in will become a return customer! We always thrive to carry the best products and stay on top of the new trends, because our customers deserve nothin less!
I have been in the nails industry for almost 20 years. After investing my time in school and practicing nursing for 10 years, I realized that nails is my passions . Why not combine my knowledge of nursing and bring it to my work environment. Sanitation and disinfectant is a must, Let your customers trust in you when it comes to cleanliness!